
Advanced Autologous TIL Manufacturing

  • Cutting-edge TIL manufacturing process cuts down significant cost and time
  • Empowered by our next generation platform, we can manufacture TIL products for your immunotherapy studies much faster
  • We can further test your TIL products for efficacy using our organoid platform/cytotoxicity assays

Tumor Organoids for Oncology Drug Development

  • Fast turnaround – our experienced team can quickly start growing desired tumor cells.  Organoids can be ready for assays within 2-6 weeks
  • Flexibility – organoids can be grown using your tumor samples or using our extensive catalog of tumor samples from a variety of cancer indications 
  • Functionality – we can further perform co-culture assays with both autologous and non-autologous immune cells on tumor cells to empower your immunotherapy drug discovery
  • AI-empowered informatics – we can perform single cell sequencing and data rich analysis for final organoids product and provide the data you need

AI-powered Informatics

  • Leading oncology informatics team for target identification for personalized/precision medicine studies
  • Empowered by two AI platforms 
  • AI platform 1 – for rapid identification of tumor reactive T-cells and TCR sequences using single cell sequencing data from tumor samples​ – validated across multiple cancer indications
  • AI platform 2 – for accurate identification of neoantigens using sequencing data from tumor samples – validated across multiple cancer indications

Why Bioway Tech

Professional team offers highly efficient solutions for complex projects and needs.

Prompt-responding team delivers high quality services and products with fast turnarounds.

10 Years Experience

5 Star Rating

Quick Turnaround

Dedicated Support

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.